Anyone ever want to just pack up, drive out to the woods, hike as far as you can and go camping?
hmm me too.
so today I learned so much! thanks to a wonderful pastor whose heart is on fire for God.
Francis Chan spoke on my little Iphone over youtube to his congregation about Grace.
Grace, one of those things that we all need to give a little bit more of, am I right?
so starting off the Day The Lord gave me a nice surprise and sang to me a song I desperately needed
the part of this song that really spoke to me was the part
where she sings "restore the joy of my salvation."
Part of the problem moving all the time to diffrnet places is never knowing how the people that
live there are going to respond to you, and over the past two years of living in the beautiful pacific north west I have been very bogged down. Joy has been something hard to come by for me and thats not normal for me. I recently have been making plans and preparing for a move to Michigan! which I am highly excited about, also its been awesome to see how God has been working all the little details out for me :) more posts to come!